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Flexi 25 square table

Category Meeting Tables
Our flexible meeting table solutions are suitable for a wide range of applications to cater for all of your office needs. Offering complete mobility and functionality, our Flexi 25 tables are solid, reliable and built to last. Available in a wide range of sizes, 25mm table top finishes and with a choice of silver or graphite powder coated steel frames, Flexi 25 tables can be used in multiple combinations for all styles of meetings.

Flexi 25 square table

Product Code: M-FLT800
Category Meeting Tables
Special Shipping Charge Applies
Free Delivery on orders over £75

Free Delivery on most orders over £75*

(*Excl. special items where indicated). See delivery policy for details

Estimated Delivery: 1 to 3 Business Days*

(*Unless stated on product details)



Flexi 25




Meeting Tables

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Our flexible meeting table solutions are suitable for a wide range of applications to cater for all of your office needs. Offering complete mobility and functionality, our Flexi 25 tables are solid, reliable and built to last. Available in a wide range of sizes, 25mm table top finishes and with a choice of silver or graphite powder coated steel frames, Flexi 25 tables can be used in multiple combinations for all styles of meetings.
Select options to purchase. Prices from
£0.00 Pack of 1
RRP £0.00

Flexi 25 square table

Category Meeting Tables
Our flexible meeting table solutions are suitable for a wide range of applications to cater for all of your office needs. Offering complete mobility and functionality, our Flexi 25 tables are solid, reliable and built to last. Available in a wide range of sizes, 25mm table top finishes and with a choice of silver or graphite powder coated steel frames, Flexi 25 tables can be used in multiple combinations for all styles of meetings.

Flexi 25 square table

Product Code: M-FLT800
Category Meeting Tables
Select options to purchase. Prices from
£0.00 Pack of 1
RRP £0.00
Special Shipping Charge Applies
Free Delivery on orders over £75

Free Delivery on most orders over £75*

(*Excl. special items where indicated). See delivery policy for details

Estimated Delivery: 1 to 3 Business Days*

(*Unless stated on product details)

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Our flexible meeting table solutions are suitable for a wide range of applications to cater for all of your office needs. Offering complete mobility and functionality, our Flexi 25 tables are solid, reliable and built to last. Available in a wide range of sizes, 25mm table top finishes and with a choice of silver or graphite powder coated steel frames, Flexi 25 tables can be used in multiple combinations for all styles of meetings.



Flexi 25




Meeting Tables