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Plustek OpticBook3800L Scanner

Category Document Scanner
Unique book-edge design scanner.OpticBook 3800L is a cost-effective book scanning solution for readers, librarians, students, teachers or anyone who needs to turn their book collections, magazines and other bound materials into digital files. Scanned files are saved as: PDF, Searchable PDF, ePub (PC only), TIF, JPG or BMP file formats and are compatible with all e-readers, tablets and computers. The OpticBook 3800L is compatible with both PCs and Macs.

Plustek OpticBook3800L Scanner

In stock
Product Code: 8PL0281UK
Category Document Scanner
Manufacturer Plustek
Special Shipping Charge Applies
Free Delivery on orders over £75

Free Delivery on most orders over £75*

(*Excl. special items where indicated). See delivery policy for details

Estimated Delivery: 1 to 3 Business Days*

(*Unless stated on product details)


Lead Time





Printers & Scanners


Document Scanner


Unique book-edge design scanner.

OpticBook 3800L is a cost-effective book scanning solution for readers, librarians, students, teachers or anyone who needs to turn their book collections, magazines and other bound materials into digital files. Scanned files are saved as: PDF, Searchable PDF, ePub (PC only), TIF, JPG or BMP file formats and are compatible with all e-readers, tablets and computers. The OpticBook 3800L is compatible with both PCs and Macs.
Select options to purchase. Prices from
£213.23 Pack of 1
incl. VAT £255.88
RRP £241.81
- +

Plustek OpticBook3800L Scanner

Category Document Scanner
Unique book-edge design scanner.OpticBook 3800L is a cost-effective book scanning solution for readers, librarians, students, teachers or anyone who needs to turn their book collections, magazines and other bound materials into digital files. Scanned files are saved as: PDF, Searchable PDF, ePub (PC only), TIF, JPG or BMP file formats and are compatible with all e-readers, tablets and computers. The OpticBook 3800L is compatible with both PCs and Macs.

Plustek OpticBook3800L Scanner

In stock
Product Code: 8PL0281UK
Category Document Scanner
Manufacturer Plustek
Select options to purchase. Prices from
£213.23 Pack of 1
incl. VAT £255.88
RRP £241.81
- +
Special Shipping Charge Applies
Free Delivery on orders over £75

Free Delivery on most orders over £75*

(*Excl. special items where indicated). See delivery policy for details

Estimated Delivery: 1 to 3 Business Days*

(*Unless stated on product details)


Unique book-edge design scanner.

OpticBook 3800L is a cost-effective book scanning solution for readers, librarians, students, teachers or anyone who needs to turn their book collections, magazines and other bound materials into digital files. Scanned files are saved as: PDF, Searchable PDF, ePub (PC only), TIF, JPG or BMP file formats and are compatible with all e-readers, tablets and computers. The OpticBook 3800L is compatible with both PCs and Macs.


Lead Time





Printers & Scanners


Document Scanner