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Saxon square poseur worktable with 4 oak legs 800mm

Category Meeting Tables
Saxon worktables transition the workplace from one that’s fixed and formal to a space that suits a variety of preferences and working habits. Dining and poseur height tables are a creative, practical solution for any meeting area or breakout space, but components can be added and combined in limitless ways to create flexible, fluid work areas where people gather, keeping people connected to their technology and each other.

Saxon square poseur worktable with 4 oak legs 800mm

Product Code: M-SPS800
Category Meeting Tables
Special Shipping Charge Applies
Free Delivery on orders over £75

Free Delivery on most orders over £75*

(*Excl. special items where indicated). See delivery policy for details

Estimated Delivery: 1 to 3 Business Days*

(*Unless stated on product details)







Meeting Tables

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Saxon worktables transition the workplace from one that’s fixed and formal to a space that suits a variety of preferences and working habits. Dining and poseur height tables are a creative, practical solution for any meeting area or breakout space, but components can be added and combined in limitless ways to create flexible, fluid work areas where people gather, keeping people connected to their technology and each other.
Select options to purchase. Prices from
£0.00 Pack of 1
RRP £0.00

Saxon square poseur worktable with 4 oak legs 800mm

Category Meeting Tables
Saxon worktables transition the workplace from one that’s fixed and formal to a space that suits a variety of preferences and working habits. Dining and poseur height tables are a creative, practical solution for any meeting area or breakout space, but components can be added and combined in limitless ways to create flexible, fluid work areas where people gather, keeping people connected to their technology and each other.

Saxon square poseur worktable with 4 oak legs 800mm

Product Code: M-SPS800
Category Meeting Tables
Select options to purchase. Prices from
£0.00 Pack of 1
RRP £0.00
Special Shipping Charge Applies
Free Delivery on orders over £75

Free Delivery on most orders over £75*

(*Excl. special items where indicated). See delivery policy for details

Estimated Delivery: 1 to 3 Business Days*

(*Unless stated on product details)

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Saxon worktables transition the workplace from one that’s fixed and formal to a space that suits a variety of preferences and working habits. Dining and poseur height tables are a creative, practical solution for any meeting area or breakout space, but components can be added and combined in limitless ways to create flexible, fluid work areas where people gather, keeping people connected to their technology and each other.







Meeting Tables